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Alex Wright

Journalism, Content writing, Copywriting, Feature writing, SEO copywriting, Shifts, Door knocks, Editing

Copywriter and business journalist with 22 years’ experience, specialising in financial services, technology, travel and sport

+44 (0)7949 590213


Service area: UK


I cut my teeth in local journalism writing news, business and sport. Then I progressed to working on national newspapers, including a stint as Deputy Business editor on Bermuda’s national newspaper. Returning to the UK, I worked as News Editor on B2B and B2C trade magazines before starting my own copywriting and journalism business

Relevant Qualifications:

Trinity Mirror Certificate of Journalism;
 Highbury College NCTJ 20-Week Pre-Entry Newspaper Journalism Certificate

Other Info:

I have written a best-selling book Every Word Counts: The Easy Way To Win More Customers Online

Examples of work:

Here are links to a small sample of work published online: 

– A feature looking at the impact of Brexit on small businesses:
– A feature looking at how companies can tackle the rising problem of insurance fraud:
– A profile on Martyn Hillier, founder of the micropub:

Here’s a small sample of work published in print or online (in pictures):